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Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote, Spain
Apartamentos en Puerto del Carmen. Situados a pie de playa, agradable y tranquilo

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

El milagro de la Virgen de Los Dolores Mancha Blanca (Tinajo), Lanzarote

En el año 1736, fecha de las temibles erupciones volcánicas que muchas veces castigaron las Islas Canarias, un franciscano, convoca al pueblo conejero para organizar una procesión con la imagen de la Virgen de los Dolores de Tinajo, cuyo motivo era dirigirse a las corrientes de lavas y magma. La procesión se situó justo en la Montaña de Guiguán y allí hicieron un voto de promesa, construir una ermita a la Virgen de Tinajo si se conseguía detener las tan temibles lavas. Un individuo, abrazado a una cruz de madera, se adelantó al magma y clavó la cruz. El río de lava llegó a los pies de la cruz, y se detuvo.

Las promesas hechas a la Virgen, días después se olvidaron con la tranquilidad inesperada.
Cuenta la leyenda que una mujer enlutada, un día se acerco a una niña que cuidaba del rebaño de cabras, la saludó amablemente y le dijo:
"'Niña, ve y diles a tus padres que cumplan los vecinos la promesa de construir la ermita, pues de lo contrario correrá el volcán de nuevo."
La niña le contó esa extraña aparición a sus padres, pero éstos no la creyeron. Días mas tarde, la niña vuelve a ver a la mujer vestida de negro que le dice la misma advertencia, pero ella le comunica que se niega a dar tal comunicado puesto que sus padres la habían reñido. Pero la mujer de luto, puso su mano sobre los hombros de la niña diciéndole:
"Ve, ahora te creerán."
Los padres de la niña se quedaron impresionados, sorprendidos de ver la mano, que mostraban los hombros de la niña. De inmediato, la niña fue llevada al templo matriz para mostrarle todas y cada una de las imágenes de la Virgen María; la cual se quedo atótina al ver a la misma mujer que días atrás le había comunicado tantos recados.
A partir de ese momento todos los vecinos se afanaron por edificar la ermita, obra que tardó alrededor de 10 años de construcción. El milagroso acontecimiento corrió por toda la isla, y la devoción hacia la Virgen de los Dolores se incrementó en todos los ámbitos.
Los textos custodiados además manifiestan que, el 31 de julio de 1824, erupcionó el volcán de la Capellanía del Clérigo Duarte, entre Tao y Tiagua. Los vecinos programaron inesperadamente una procesión multitudinaria, llegando a las faldas de Tamia, todos las personas asistentes, imploraron a la Virgen que no permitiera que las tierras fueran desprotegidas y condenadas al desastre; momentos después, el volcán se apagó. Tras este nuevo milagro a la Virgen de los Dolores se la proclamo como Virgen de los Volcanes.

Miracle Virgin the Los Dolores in Mancha Blanca (Tinajo), Lanzarote

At the time of the volcanic eruptions in 1736, a Franciscan priest, Father Guardián, calls for a gathering of the town's people to calm them down and organises a procession carrying the virgin Nuestra Señora de los Dolores in order to go and meet the lava flows. The procession, overflowing with fervour, went to the mountain of Guiguán and there they made a solemn vow; they would build a church in honour of the virgin if she would put an end to the desolation that was taking place. One person, full of courage and determination, embracing a candlewood cross, advanced right to the edge of the boiling magma and nailed it into the ground, while the crowd cried and prayed with indomitable faith. When the lava flow reached the foot of the cross it suddenly stopped and, swaying away from the fertile fields, went in the direction of old petrified stones from previous eruptions. On April 16th.1736 the terrible and unforgettable eruptions ceased their destructi.

As soon as the islanders felt peaceful and safe, they forgot the promises made in those desperate and fateful days. Tinajo at the time had only a couple of rich people, amongst who was Juan Antonio Acosta, father of Juana Rafaela Acosta, a nine-year-old goat shepherdess. (Year 1774). 
One day, while Juana Rafaela was watching the goats, a woman dressed in mourning came and greeted her, saying: "Girl, go and tell your parents that the neighbours must keep their promise to build the church, otherwise the volcano will erupt again" The little girl went to her parents and related the encounter she had, but she was not believed and was reprimanded for telling such lies. A few days later the little girl sees the woman again and is given the same message, but she refuses to deliver it because her parents would punish her for making up such stories. But the Holy Virgin, because the woman in mourning was no other, put her hand on the girl's shoulder and said: "Go and tell them, now you will be believed" Juana Rafaela's parents were astonished and speechless when they saw the delicate purple shadow of a hand on the girl's shoulder. The little girl was taken to the main church and was shown the different images of the Virgin, and as soon as she saw the one belonging to Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, she recognised the woman in mourning. From that moment forward all the neighbours, rich and poor alike, put themselves to the task of building the promised church, which took around ten years to be finished. After that miracle, which spread by word of mouth throughout the island, the devotion to the Virgen de los Dolores was shown in countless ways: donations for the services and conservation of the church, gifts in produce of the fields and transfers of lands.
On July 31st.1824 at seven in the morning, the volcano Capellanía del Clérigo Duarte, between Tao and Tiagua, erupted. The neighbours organised a procession from Guiguan to La Vegueta, and when they arrived to the foothill of Tiama they knelt and implored Our Lady not to allow the lands to be destroyed again and to spare their possessions. A while later the volcano stopped spewing lava and all it came out of it was only smoke. After this new miracle by the Virgen de los Dolores
 she was proclaimed Señora de los Volcanes. (Lady of the Volcanoes).
EIn 1850 the church was temporarily closed by Bishop Buenaventura Codina to do some restoration work, which ended around 1854-60, reopening again in 1861.
In 1988, due to deterioration, another restoration work had to be done, and on the 18th of June of that year all its contents were transferred to the Parish of Tinajo. Around one o'clock in the afternoon the image of the Virgin was taken out, two hours later the dome of the church collapsed. (It looked as if it had been waiting for the Virgin to leave to come tumbling down).

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