Viernes 12 de agosto a partir de las 21:00h en La Plaza de Los Leones (Teguise), se exhibirá la película " Sinfonía de Kinshasa". Durante la sesión se realizará una degustación de vinos organizada por el Consejo Regulador del Vino Denominación de Origen de Lanzarote que también colabora con la muestra de cine europeo.
- Sinopsis:
En pleno centro de la capital congoleña, Kinshasa, entre el caótico mercado multicolor, las gallinas revoloteando, el trapicheo de los comerciantes y el ruido ensordecedor de la carretera, se encuentran unas 100 personas, algunas sentadas y otras de pie, tocando música clásica de Georg Friderich Händel. Un coro está cantando detrás, menos cuando el polvo de la carretera les obliga a toser…
Sinfonía de Kinshasa
Friday 12th August from 21:00 pm in La Plaza de Los Leones (Teguise), will be shown the film "Symphony of Kinshasa". During the session there will be a wine tasting organized by the Regulatory Board of Denomination of Origin wine Lanzarote
also works with the sample of European cinema.
- Synopsis:
Right in the center of the Congolese capital, Kinshasa, between the chaotic multicolored market, the hens fluttering, the dealing of the merchants and the deafening noise of the highway, there are approximately 100 persons, some sittings and other standing ones, touching classical music of Georg Friderich Händel. A choir is singing behind, less when the dust of the highway forces them to cough …
The German film makers Martin Baer y Claus Wischmann say “to have followed the European musician up to Africa”, and, at first, they had to face before the fact of being doing “European questions” for its movie.:” Why precisely Beethoven?: is not it difficult to touch in so chaotic conditions?: how have you learned to touch the instruments?” In some moment, they would have decided that an African band should touch Beethoven.If it had been a question of a Japanese symphonic band, it would not have been speculated so much on this matter. Some musicians even find parallelisms between the African rhythms and the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven. For the director of the band, Armand Diangienda, the effort that its group does is something like “to touch Beethoven with the Congolese passion”.
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